Cheshire West and Chester Council is the local planning authority and Kingsley Parish Council is a statutory planning consultee to all applications that fall within the boundary.

If you would like to view a representation made by Kingsley Parish Council regarding a planning application, please follow the link below and insert the planning application reference into the search box and click the ‘documents’ tab.

If you would like Kingsley Parish Council to consider any comments you may have regarding a planning application, please email .

If you would like to submit a comment on a planning application online, please follow the below link and insert the planning application reference in the search box and click the ‘comments’ tab.

Please note:

1) Your address will be published with your comment; and

2) Any text entered into the comment text box will be published without being moderated or redacted. Please do not enter any information you do not want to appear online.

You can view the Planning Privacy Notice of Cheshire West and Cheshire Council on the following link:

You can contact Cheshire West and Cheshire Council on 0300 123 7027.

Copies of Enforcement Notices are currently unavailable online. If you require a copy please email