Entries by Clerk

Parish Council Calls on Cheshire West to Tackle Overgrown Weeds

Kingsley Parish Council has taken a firm stand in addressing the growing issue of overgrown weeds throughout our parish. We have officially written to Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWaC) to express our disappointment and frustration regarding the lack of responses to our repeated enquiries about recent maintenance activities within Kingsley Parish. Specifically, we have […]

Future Delivery of Community Speed Management Scheme and Traffic/Speed Surveys

Starting 1st June 2024, the Highways Department at Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWaC) will no longer directly deliver the Community Speed Management scheme and Traffic/Speed Surveys. This change is driven by escalating pressures and an extremely high volume of public, Member, and MP enquiries, which have become unmanageable for the Area Highways Team. To […]

New Gulley Cleaning Interactive Map Available for Residents

We are excited to announce a new resource for our residents: the Gulley Cleaning Interactive Map, now available on the Cheshire West and Chester Council website. This tool provides up-to-date information on the maintenance of grids and gullies in our area. With the interactive map, you can: Check Cleaning Schedules: see when gullies in your […]

New Cemetery Contractor Appointed in May 2024

We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new contractor for the maintenance of our cemetery as of May 2024. After a period of seven months without any maintenance, we understand that the cemetery is not in its usual pristine condition, and we appreciate your patience as we work to restore it. The Council […]

Dog Control – Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation

In October 2018, Cheshire West and Chester Council introduced a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) covering a wide range of dog control measures, while also encouraging responsible dog ownership. These measures were maintained in 2021 following the statutory review. In October 2021, Cheshire West and Chester Council (the Council) reviewed the range of measures covering […]

Kingsley Parish Council Budget and Precept 2024-2025

Kingsley Parish Council is required to set an annual budget to deliver services, and its income is financed through a combination of the parish precept, cemetery fees, grants and other income such as Community Infrastructure Levy. Over the past few years the Council has made efforts to establish a realistic budget. Kingsley Parish Council is […]

Full Fibre Broadband – Community Presentation

All residents are welcome to attend a presentation to discuss full fibre broadband in Kingsley. The additional infrastructure required for the upgrade could mean that additional telegraph poles are required to be installed throughout the Parish. The presentation will be delivered by FACTco between 3-6.30pm on Wednesday 23 August 2023 at Kingsley Community Centre.   […]

Access to Cheshire West and Chester Council

Online is still the quickest and easiest way for residents to access the services of Cheshire West and Chester Council, although the authority does recognise that not everyone has internet access or the technology to go online. That’s why they also offer alternative ways in which residents can get help, including calling the contact centre […]

Warm, Welcoming Spaces

Warm, Welcoming Spaces  The Council-run Warm, Welcoming Spaces are open in libraries and museums across the borough. A full list of providers can be found at www.warmwelcome.uk The closest Warm, Welcoming Space to Kingsley is in Frodsham Library. Opening times can be found on the link below. www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/residents/libraries/find-a-library/frodsham-library More information on the Warm, Welcoming Spaces […]

Kingsley Cemetery

Kingsley Parish Council is pleased to report that it has approved funding for the works to repair the eighteen vandalised memorials in Kingsley Cemetery. The Council does not have the funds to replace like for like, but will undertake works to re-pin and repair to securely refit all fallen elements back into place on existing […]