Notice of Elections – Kingsley Parish Council
Please see the following list for Kingsley Parish Council. As there are only 9 nominations, all will be elected ‘unopposed’ on the 2nd of May 2019.
Parish Council – March 2019 Planning Applications
I have been asked by the Parish Council to advise you of the following Planning Applications If you have any comments or questions for the Parish Council contact: or (Chair of the Planning Working Group) NEW PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS 8/03208/FUL Wisteria Cottage The Hurst: Demolition of existing timber shed and erection of outbuilding […]
Parish Council – February 2019 Planning Applications
I have been asked by the Parish Council to advise you of the following Planning Applications If you have any comments or questions for the Parish Council contact: or (Chair of the Planning Working Group) NEW PLANNING APPLICATIONS 18/04909/OUT Land Off Well Lane: Erection of 2 detached dwellings Deadline 4 Feb. Meeting will seek retrospective agreement to […]
Dog Fouling – Kingsley Parish Council Public Notice
A reminder to all residents and visitors using the playing field: Dogs are not permitted in the enclosed play area If a dog fouls anywhere on the playing field, the person in charge of the dog must immediately remove the dog faeces. Parish Clerk Kingsley Parish Council 20 January 2019
Parish Council – January 2019 Planning Applications
I have been asked by the Parish Council to advise you of the following Planning Applications If you have any comments or questions for the Parish Council contact: or (Chair of the Planning Working Group) NEW PLANNING APPLICATIONS 18/04631/FUL Demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey rear and side extension and timber frame […]