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Higher Heyes

The Higher Heyes development is now nearing completion and Torus Housing Association have advised they will shortly be issuing this leaflet to every household in Kingsley Parish detailing how to apply for the shared ownership properties.

Applicants must meet a ‘local connection’ criteria and any questions regarding eligibility should be directed to Torus Housing Association by calling Rebecca on 07734 881 063 or emailing .

It should be noted that the properties are available to applicants who can evidence a housing need, including (but not limited to) first time buyers, people returning to the market (eg after a relationship breakdown), and current property owners looking to downsize or ‘rightsize’ who would otherwise be unable to purchase a property on the open market due to restrictive deposit or mortgage requirements.

Priority will be given to those in the local area who have resided in Kingsley for the 12 months prior to application or previously resided in Kingsley for a period of at least five years. Applicants are also eligible if they are permanently employed in the Parish or have immediate family who currently reside in Kingsley and have done so continuously for five years.

It is understood that all fifteen properties will be released onto the market at the same time in early Spring and any residents wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should contact Torus Housing Association as soon as possible.

To keep up-to-date with the latest Higher Heyes news, please click here to be redirected to the Kingsley Village website.