IMG 20211008 WA0000

Budget + Precept 2022-2023

The Council’s costs have increased significantly in recent years, and it is becoming more difficult to maintain a low precept without compromising on service delivery.

For example, the costs to maintain the cemetery have more than doubled in the last five years.

Whilst the reserves of the Council remain healthy in comparison to annual expenditure, these could be notably depleted if unanticipated costs were to arise such as tree damage from storms, election costs, or (most recently) vandalism to the cemetery.

On average, there has been little movement in the precept over the past ten years and the Council is keen to ensure residents receive the same standard of service that the Parish Council is known for – which can be achieved in 2022-2023 with an increase in the precept of approximately £1.34 per month per Band D property.

The total precept per Band D property in 2022-2023 will be approximately £48.61 – representing a figure that remains below the national average (£71.86 in 2021-2022), and significantly less than other parishes in Cheshire West such as Kingsmead Parish Council which levied a sum of £104.69 in 2021-2022.

To view the full budget and precept report, please click here.